這一週,一切都很正常,只是我開始和 「colace」 變好朋友了,當初還以為它只會是我懷孕生涯裡的一個點綴而已呢。
ps:這是最貴的stool softner,與他牌價格可以差到兩倍以上,但也是醫生介紹的牌子。為了孩子好,相信醫生介紹得是最好的,只好忍痛買下了。這30顆加稅將近20美元,如果有人需要,我建議直接在Amazon買60顆將近25美元,划算許多,誠心推薦。
婦產科 | 8th Feb 2008
便 秘由多種因素引起。一方面是機械因素所致,妊娠後子宮逐漸增大,將腸管和胃向上擠壓,並壓迫乙型結腸和直腸。另一方面是由於內分泌的改變,孕後孕酮增多引 起平滑肌張力下降,蠕動力減弱。研究發現,妊娠期胃和腸的張力降低、蠕動力減弱,速度減慢,排空時間延長。食物殘渣在腸內時間停留延長則會有嚴重的脫水, 這樣就會對直腸的擴張刺激減弱,中樞神經得不到刺激的信息,也就不會有便意的反射形成。這些因素共同作用,引起妊娠者便秘。
防 治妊娠期便秘,應注意飲食。飲食中要有足量流質,晨起飲用適量的飲料。另外要吃新鮮水果和富含纖維素的食物和蔬菜,以利於促進胃腸的蠕動,加速食物殘渣的 排除。養成定時排便習慣,以形成條件反射。適當的運動對防止便秘也有益處。必要時可服用緩瀉劑。石臘油也可服用,但不能長期應用,因為它能影響腸道對胎溶 性維生素的吸收,導致體內維生素缺乏。不能用峻瀉劑或灌腸的方法治療便秘,因可導致流產或早產。絕對不能亂吃強烈的瀉藥,如中藥番瀉葉、大黃等,否則腸蠕 動劇增,有可能引起子宮收縮而導致流產或早產。
因 妊娠引起的消化系統變化,人皆有之,為什麼有些孕婦就不會便秘?大便是否通暢,還與飲食、生活習慣和活動度等有關。所以,為防便秘和防痔瘡,凡經常便秘不 暢的孕婦應改變習慣,調整菜單。多喝水,最好每天清晨再加一杯鹽開水;多吃含渣食物,像穀類粗糧、蔬菜和水果,最好再點蜂蜜;多散步,及輕便體操。
by what to expect
Week 34 Pregnancy Symptoms
Flatulence: As your third trimester progresses, you may be getting gassier. Anxiety just makes those gassy feelings worse — you tend to swallow more air when you’re stressed — so try this tension tamer: Breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth for a minute or two each day.
Constipation: Need to rev up those slow-moving bowels? Rough up your diet with some dried fruits, fruits and veggies, and whole grains. One thing you don’t want to do — take laxatives (even herbal ones). Get your practitioner on board before taking any medicine for constipation.
Increased vaginal discharge: As your pregnancy progresses, you could see an increase in vaginal discharge. Blame pregnancy hormones (especially estrogen) for this symptom — they increase blood flow to the pelvic area and stimulate the mucous membranes (making your juices flow). Wearing undies with a cotton crotch can keep you drier (and that can curb odors).
Hemorrhoids: Constipation’s almost constant sidekick? Hemorrhoids. These pesky piles can be kept to a minimum by doing Kegels, which can improve circulation to the area.
Backaches: Your shifting center of gravity from back to belly puts more pressure and (ouch!) pain on your lower back. There are many solutions to cure your aching back, so if one doesn’t work, another most certainly will. One to try: Take a break and stretch, stand, or walk. Sitting too long can make your back hurt even more.
Leg cramps: Leg cramps are most common around now, when the three main culprits — pregnancy weight, swelling, and fatigue — are at their peak. If you feel a spasm, try standing on a cold surface (that can sometimes stop one).
Stretch marks: If you’re fair-haired and have a genetic predisposition toward stretch marks, you’re more likely to get them than someone who’s darker-haired (or skinned). But no matter what your skin or hair color, you can try to keep these classic marks of maternity to a minimum by keeping your weight gain slow and steady.
Mild swelling of ankles and feet: As you get bigger and your body tissues accumulate and retain fluids, you may experience swelling in your ankles, feet, and fingers. Slipping into comfy slippers at the end of the workday can help soothe your swollen tootsies.
Hair changes: You knew your hair would grow faster and more lustrous while you were pregnant, but you probably didn’t expect it to grow in places you weren’t expecting — like your cheeks, chin, and back. Waxing is safe during pregnancy; but since skin is extra-sensitive now, ask for a formula for sensitive skin.
Shortness of breath: As your pregnant belly gets bigger, your lungs won’t be able to expand as fully, so you may feel winded, even after a trip to the bathroom. Sleeping propped on your left side can help at night, and just take it easy.
Difficulty sleeping: If you’re not worrying about your impending D-day, then leg cramps and trips to bathroom are banishing any chance of shut-eye. Try lulling yourself to sleep with a warm bath and a cup of warm milk and read a book or listen to music instead of surfing the net or watching TV (those activities can keep you up).
Leaking colostrum: As your due date approaches and the third trimester wears on, your breasts may leak colostrum — yellowish pre-milk that will be your baby’s first drink. You won’t be leaking more than a few drops, but if you feel uncomfortable, try nursing pads.
Learn more about pregnancy symptoms and solutions.